
The team are available to support projects from the outset to ensure our client’s environmental objectives are met

The OCSC environmental team is a leading provider of environmental and ecological solutions. The team are available to support projects from the outset to ensure our client’s environmental and ecological objectives and legal obligations are met and associated environmental risks and costs are minimised.

At OCSC, we are passionate about preserving and protecting our natural environment. With a team of dedicated experts, we offer comprehensive environmental and ecological consultancy services to clients across multiple industry sectors.

We have been involved in numerous large-scale EIA projects as well as assessments and developments of complex brownfield sites across the UK and Ireland.

Professional members of a number of bodies

As part of our multidisciplinary approach and vision, OCSC have developed a team of professionals who specialise in providing environmental and ecological consultancy services which complement and support our projects. The team includes environmental engineers, geo-environmental scientists, waste managers, hydrogeologists, geologists, ecologists and contaminated land experts. Senior environmental staff are professional members of a number of relevant bodies including the Institute of Geologists of Ireland, the European Federation of Geologists, the Institution of Environmental Sciences, the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management, the International Association of Hydrogeologists and Engineers Ireland.

The Environmental Section of OCSC
provides the following services:

  • Contaminated Land, Brownfield Development and Due Diligence Assessments
  • Generic Quantitative Risk Assessments and Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments
  • Environmental Clerk of Works
  • Pre-Planning Advice and Environmental Scoping
  • Preliminary Risk Assessment Reports and Preliminary Sources Study Reports
  • Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Appropriate Assessments
  • Natura Impact Statements
  • Climate Assessments
  • Option Selection Reports
  • Hydrogeology Consultancy
  • Water and Wastewater Services
  • Waste Management and Classification
  • Environmental Auditing and Management Systems
  • Compliance and Licensing (IPC, IED, Waste, Water Pollution, and legal compliance)
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) maps
  • Environmental Monitoring (water, soil, noise and air)

The Ecology Section of OCSC
provides the following services:

  • Ecological Clerk of Works
  • Ecological Impact Assessments
  • Invasive Species Surveys and Management
  • Protected species surveys
  • Wintering and Breeding Bird Surveys
  • Bat Emergence Surveys
  • Habitat Assessments, Surveys and Mapping
  • Ecological Management, Conservation, and Research


The content here gives you a general idea of the services we can provide but is limited by the requirements to edit Website content. If something sparks your interest or we can be of assistance please do get in touch below to see how the O’Connor Sutton Cronin energy can make a difference to your project! The right expert will reply on our behalf soon.